How to Get & Stay Involved
Welcome to Little Lambs! We are off to a new start. Give your child time to adjust to “school life”. We will be learning lots of new things this year. It will take determination and effort to accomplish everything that we need to by the end of the year. God’s grace will get us through and He will enable us. We are honored that you have chosen Little Lambs for your child to attend.
Communication between home and school is vital to your child's success in the classroom. To keep you informed of your child’s progress and school activities we will be sending home a weekly folder. Please read over all the material that we include in the weekly folder and admire your child’s work. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Thanks for making this year a great one!!! May the Lord bless you and your family. -Mrs. Gladys

Below are a few documents you should have received once you enrolled your child. Some forms will be emailed to you. Please fill these out and return to the office BEFORE the first day of school.
+ Semester Enrollment Instructions
+ Health Care Professional Statement
+ Items Needed for Little Lambs
+ Infant Sleep Agreement (Nursery Class Only)