Nurturing Learning Environments

Blue Bunnies
(6 months to 23 months)
Class Objectives
Students in the Nursery will work towards developing:
Eye/hand coordination
Classifying objects (generalizing, categorizing)
Visual discrimination (same, different)
Spatial awareness (in, out, on, over, etc…)
Fine motor skills (grasping, stacking, etc…)
Gross motor skills (walking, climbing, throwing, running)
Oral language (express thoughts appropriately, labeling objects)
Reading readiness (appreciating books, stories, etc…)
Imaginative play
Appropriate social behavior in a group setting
Appropriate interaction with other children of like age
Appropriate respect and obedience to authority
Basic life skills (including washing, self dressing, potty trainingSelf feeding, etc…)
Develop appreciation for music
Green Grasshoppers
(2 years)
Class Objectives
Students in Primary 1 will work towards developing:
Recite the letters of the alphabet
Work at a task for 5 minutes
Ability to grip pencils, crayons, and markers correctly
Puzzles containing individual pieces
Use glue properly (glue sticks)
Identify colors
Identify shapes
Identify different sizes
Follow simple two step verbal directions
Listen to a story well
Identify two or three step sequences of a story
Ability to rote count to 10
Recognize numbers to 10
Count objects to 10
Group like objects
Familiar with terms:
around front/back inside/outside
first/last under/over far/near
in/out here/there open/close
next/to up/down top/bottom
high/low middle to/from
above/below off/on never/always
yesterday today before/after
morning/night same/different other
Verbally express needs appropriately.
Recognize own name.
Develop appreciation for music.

Red Robins
(2.5-3.5 years)
Class Objectives
Students in Primary 2 will work towards developing:
Recite the letters of the alphabet
Work at a task for 5 minutes
Ability to grip pencils, crayons, and markers correctly
Puzzles containing individual pieces
Use glue properly (glue sticks)
Identify colors
Identify shapes
Identify different sizes
Follow simple two step verbal directions
Listen to a story well
Identify two or three step sequences of a story
Ability to rote count to 10
Recognize numbers to 10
Count objects to 10
Group like objects
Familiar with terms:
around front/back inside/outside
first/last under/over far/near
in/out here/there open/close
next/to up/down top/bottom
high/low middle to/from
above/below off/on never/always
yesterday today before/after
morning/night same/different other
Verbally express needs appropriately.
Recognize own name.
Develop appreciation for music.
Purple Pandas
(3.5-4 years)
Class Objectives
Students in Primary 3 will work towards developing:
Recite ABC’s
Recognize letters and numbers
Work at a task for 5-7 minutes
Hold pencils, crayons, and markers correctly
Put together 6-10 piece puzzle
Use glue properly
Tries to cut with scissors
Identify colors, shapes, different sizes: group like objects
Sort by color and size
Follow three and four step verbal instructions
Listen to a complete story
Begin to order the events of a story (comprehension)
Rote count to 20
Recognize numbers to 20
Group like objects
Introduce Concepts:
Around front/back inside/outside more/less
first/last under/over far/near how many?
in/out here/there open/close alike/different
next/to up/down top/bottom big/little
high/low middle to/from first/last
above/below off/on never/always tomorrow
yesterday today before/after in all
Verbally express needs appropriately
Recognize and orally spell own name
Develop appreciation for music

Orange Owls
(4-5 years)
Class Objectives
Students in Pre-K will work towards developing:
1. Recites alphabet orally.
2. Matches capitals and lowercase letters
3. Recognizes letters and their sounds
4. Recognizes the difference between a vowel
and a consonant
4. Pronounces correct short vowel sounds
5. Identifies beginning sounds in words
6. Identifies ending sounds in words
7. Reads color words
8. Reads number words
9. Correctly writes first and last name
10. Exposed to different forms of literature: poetry, finger plays, ets…
11. Ability to grip pencils, crayons, and markers properly
12. Knows to move left to right across the page.
13. Works at a task for 5 to 10 minutes.
14. Follows through on task from beginning to end.
15. Puts together a 6 to 10 piece puzzle.
16. Cuts with scissors on a straight, curved, and zigzag lines.
17. Uses glue properly.
18. Identifies colors.
19. Identifies shapes.
20. Follows simple verbal directions.
21. Listen to a story well.
22. Organizes a picture sequence and tells a story about it.
23. Knows left and right hand.
24. Has been introduced to tying shoes.
25. Ability to rote count to 50.
26. Name recognition of numbers 1-20.
27. Counts objects in a group to 10.
28. Group objects in sets.
29. Understands the following concepts.
Around front/back inside/outside more/less
first/last under/over far/near how many?
in/out here/there open/close alike/different
next/to up/down top/bottom big/little
high/low middle to/from first/last
above/below off/on never/always tomorrow
yesterday today before/after in all
30. Understands concepts of patterns.
31. Knows numerals in sequences.
32. Develop an appreciation for music and rhythm.
33. Understands basic scientific terms (Time, weight, temperature, etc.)